The Fair Price catalogue offers a convenient way to browse through the available products and take advantage of the latest Fair Price specials. Each new edition is released at the beginning of the month and the catalogue consistently highlights specials on the most sought-after products, such as Fair Price furniture and essential appliances like fridges and washing machines. Whether you're furnishing your home or upgrading your appliances, the Fair Price catalogue is your go-to resource for significant savings and high-quality products.
Each month, the Fair Price catalogue is filled with great deals on popular products. Thanks to Kaufino, staying up-to-date with the latest Fair Price specials has never been easier. We make sure you have access to the latest Fair Price catalogue as soon as it is officially released. This allows you to conveniently browse all the newest specials and ultimately save a fortune on your next purchase. Additionally, you can browse other catalogues featuring furniture and appliance specials, such as the OK Furniture catalogue, to compare prices and ensure you are getting the best possible deal.
The Fair Price Group, established in 1999 during a decline in the local furniture manufacturing industry, recognized an opportunity to provide affordable yet attractive furniture to low- and middle-income consumers. From the beginning, their business model has centered around the belief that all homeowners, regardless of financial status, desire stylish and functional living spaces. Fair Price provides convenience and accessibility to customers in the provinces of Free State, Gauteng, North West, Mpumalanga, and Limpopo through its extensive network of over 70 Fair Price branches.
Fair Price is most known for its extensive range of furniture, catering to every room in a household. Whether you're furnishing your living room, bedroom, dining area, or office space, Fair Price offers a diverse selection of high-quality and affordable furniture options to suit your style and needs. Additionally, Fair Price provides a wide range of appliances and electronics, ensuring that you can find all the home essentials in one place. With the option to shop online, you can browse and purchase your favorite items from the comfort of your own home.