Explore all the latest Sushi specials and choose the offer that suits you best. If you are looking for even more specials, check out the latest catalogues full of further great deals.
Sushi lovers can easily find the latest deals on sushi by checking out the current catalogues from various stores on this page. Just click on the catalogue of your preferred store, and it will open directly on the page with the promotion. Sushi specials often appear not only in restaurants but also in grocery store catalogues, offering fresh sushi platters or sushi-making ingredients at great prices. Whether you're preparing sushi at home or enjoying it as a quick, ready-made meal, you'll find the best offers here. On Kaufino, you can also find specials on other products, like wine specials.
Sushi is a traditional Japanese dish made with vinegared rice, fresh fish, and vegetables. It comes in many forms, such as nigiri (rice topped with fish), maki (fish and rice rolled in seaweed), and sashimi (sliced raw fish). Sushi is loved worldwide for its delicate flavors and healthy ingredients, making it a popular choice for a light, fresh meal. Whether enjoyed at a restaurant or prepared at home, sushi offers endless variations and flavors, from the classic tuna or salmon rolls to more adventurous options like eel or octopus.
How many calories are in sushi?
The number of calories in sushi can vary depending on the type and ingredients used. The calorie count can increase if the sushi includes ingredients like cream cheese, mayonnaise, or fried components. Here’s a general estimate for some common types of sushi: